Updated 09/03/2025
The Hall is available for hire for meetings and parties and is very heavily booked. Book early to save disappointment. Also, please note that the Hall is not available for hire on Sundays because of the Church's own use. Book with Mrs. Lynne Le Seelleur tel: 07797 841649 or email: lleseelleur@yahoo.co.uk Something to think about: Amid the chaos of our troubled and dysfunctional world and the concern and distress this can engender, perhaps some of the words in this prayer from the Methodist Prayer Handbook, Day 22, can bring some hope and comfort. 'Eternal God, we seek clarity and reassurance in a bewideringly complex world. Grant the patient trust that will enable us to sense your hand in the emergent, the ambiguous,the random and the fragile. Give us courage to embrace your vulnerability seen in Jesus Christ. |
St Martin’s Methodist Church
9 March 2025
The 10:30 a.m. service will be led by Dr Nola Webster
Spring Flowers
The ‘Flower Arrangements’ Afternoon with Margaret Le Cornu and her granddaughter Harriet will take place on Friday 14 March. If anyone is willing to support this event by providing cakes, please let Rose Le Maistre (tel 857152) know as she is managing the catering.
21st Century Christian Books
There will be a meeting in the Fellowship Room led by Rev. Keith to discuss the 21st Century Christian Books on Wednesday 12 March at 10.30am.
Mothering Sunday
As ever, Richard & Karen Le Cornu have agreed we can use one of their barns to put together the posies for the Mothering Sunday service. We will meet at 9:00 a.m. on Sunday 29th March, if you have access to flowers or greenery, please bring them along, but if not, your help will still be greatly appreciated.
Lent Course
Georgetown Methodist Church have arranged a series of lent studies with the theme ‘Imagining the Psalms’. It will start with Rev Keith on Tuesday 11 March at 2:30 p.m.
Lent Lunches at St Martin
Our Lent Lunches will take place in the Hall between 12p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Hall on the following dates Friday 28 March, Friday 4 April and Friday 11 April.
Kairos Arts - Art Installation ‘Reconnected’
You are invited to 'Reconnected' – a sanctuary to reconnect back to oneself. This powerful piece of artmaking reflects the emotional challenges, hope, and empowerment experienced by those affected by domestic abuse when using the creative arts. This project is the fulfilment of four weeks of artmaking by those with lived experience of domestic abuse and sexual violence. Each artist has previously attended one of our six-week therapeutic arts programmes, and is now part of our monthly drop-in group.
The idea for the art installation was born out of the group's expression of reconnection that they have discovered in these sessions, using art to support their healing processes.
Mon 10 – Fri 14 March 9:30am – 3:30pm and Sat 15 March | 10:00am – 5:00pm
JARO Gallery, 1 York Street, St Helier
Volunteers for the Weekend of 260 years of Methodism in Jersey
We hope that as many of you as possible will be at the events planned for the Celebratory weekend, however if you would like to get further involved, volunteers are needed to help set up for the various events on Saturday 26 April. If you would like to help, please contact Donna at circuit.office.jsy@gmail.com who can give you more information. Thank you.
Next Week
The 10:30 a.m. Service will be led by the Rev Keith Sandow and includes Communion
For pastoral matters, please contact our minister the Rev Keith Sandow. kjerseycircuit@gmail.com Tel 07797903450.
Keith is unavailable on Fridays
If you have something you would like to add to the notices, please contact Jackie at jacqueline.layer@hotmail.co.uk or send to Jacqueline Layer, Roquebrune La Route de la Cote, St Martin, JE3 6DR Tel: 857994Don’t forget to visit https://www.jerseymethodist.org.uk/churches/st-martin/for church news - to see what's happening throughout the island churches click on www.christiancalendar.org.je or www.methodist.org.uk for events