St Martin's Methodist Church

Weekly Notices Around the Circuit & Beyond


Updated 31/08/2024

The Hall is available for hire for meetings and parties and is very heavily booked.  Book early to save disappointment. Also, please note that the Hall is not available for hire on Sundays because of the Church's own use.

Book with Mrs. Lynne Le Seelleur  tel: 07797 841649 or email:  

Something to think about:

Amid the chaos of our troubled and dysfunctional world and the concern and distress this can engender, perhaps some of the words in this prayer from the Methodist Prayer Handbook, Day 22, can bring some hope and comfort.     'Eternal God, we seek clarity and reassurance in a bewideringly complex world.  Grant the patient trust that will enable us to sense your hand in the emergent, the ambiguous,the random and the fragile.  Give us courage to embrace your vulnerability seen in Jesus Christ.

St Martin’s Methodist Church

1 September 2024

This morning’s service will be at Ebenezer where we will welcome the Rev Keith Sandow to our circuit  

London City Mission

Marlene Botha from the London City Mission will be visiting us on Tuesday 3rd September at 7.30pm to give us news on the work of the LCM over the past year. Please come along, it is always so interesting and inspiring to hear how they share the love of Christ to those in need in London.

Harvest Meal

As usual we will all be coming together for the Harvest Meal and Auction at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 16 September in the Church Hall. The lists will be at the back of the hall next Sunday so you can let the catering team know who will be attending what you can contribute.


Please note in your diaries the following dates.

  • Have your peelers and marigolds ready to peel apples on 11 October in the Church Hall
  • Overnight stirrers needed for night of the 11th                    and 
  • On October 12 we will be potting the jars of blackbutter. 

All most welcome to join in this very traditional annual event.

Annual Missions Lunch

Our Annual Missions Lunch is on 16 November.

St Aubins Methodist Church Fayre

Make a note in your diaries, St Aubins will be holding their annual Church Fayre on Saturday 7 October. There will be stalls selling toys, unwanted gifts, jewellery, bric-a-bac, books, and craft items.

St Martin’s Council Meeting

Our first Council Meeting with Rev Keith Sandow in the chair will be on Tuesday 22 October, 2024 at 7:30 p.m..

Jersey Organ Festival

Jersey's Organ Festival takes place from 11-27 September and involves four evening concerts, three lunchtime concert and a Sunday afternoon concert providing a wide range of exciting music. The festival starts with the Celebrity Recital with Daniel Moult. Our second recital features music from the Interstellar film by Hans Zimmer, performed by Christopher Too, one of the leading young organists in the UK. The third visiting organist, Stephen Le Provost, was for ten years the organist at Westminster Abbey, he now lives and works in Guernsey.

The ‘Battle of the Organs’ will take place on Friday 27 September at 7.30pm in St Thomas' Church, Tickets: £15 under 18s free. BBC's Warren Muggleton will present this evening of music to enthuse, excite and amaze, with Jersey musicians, Francis Murton, Michael Wynne and the brass quintet, WONDERBRASS. 

Next Week

 The 10:30 am service will be a Fellowship Service here at St Martin.


For pastoral matters, please contact our minister the Rev Keith Sandow.                                Tel 07797903450.

Keith is unavailable on Fridays

If you have something you would like to add to the notices, please contact Jackie at or send to Jacqueline Layer, Roquebrune La Route de la Cote, St Martin,  JE3 6DR Tel: 857994Don’t forget to visit church news  - to see what's happening throughout the island churches click on or for events

In Memory of Marion Labey

Photos in memory of Marion Labey

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