St Martin's Methodist Church

Weekly Notices Around the Circuit & Beyond


Updated 22/07/2024

The Hall is available for hire for meetings and parties and is very heavily booked.  Book early to save disappointment. Also, please note that the Hall is not available for hire on Sundays because of the Church's own use.

Book with Mrs. Lynne Le Seelleur  tel: 07797 841649 or email:  

Something to think about:

Amid the chaos of our troubled and dysfunctional world and the concern and distress this can engender, perhaps some of the words in this prayer from the Methodist Prayer Handbook, Day 22, can bring some hope and comfort.     'Eternal God, we seek clarity and reassurance in a bewideringly complex world.  Grant the patient trust that will enable us to sense your hand in the emergent, the ambiguous,the random and the fragile.  Give us courage to embrace your vulnerability seen in Jesus Christ.

St Martin’s Methodist Church

This morning we have a Songs of Praise service at St Martins.
The Circuit will gather at St Helier Methodist Centre at 3.00 pm for Rev'd Tony Morning’s final service

Thai meal

Chalao will cook a Thai meal in aid of chapel funds to be held in the church hall on Sunday, 4 August at 5.45 pm for a 6pm start. Tickets cost £25 per person and are available from Robert and Rosemary Le Maistre (tel 857152). If anyone is willing to provide a dessert, please let Rosemary know.


  • Helen Westcott will be on holiday from 27 July to 10 August. Should you need to speak to someone about a safeguarding issue during this time, then please contact Rev Dawn Saunders on 01534 722093 | 07797924259.
  • For those who need to refresh or undertake advanced safeguarding training. There will be a course/es running on 28th September 9.30am to 2.30pm. Please save the date and let Dawn know if you are attending via the circuit email address.

Grace Trust 25th Anniversary Celebration.

The Chairman and Trustees are so pleased to invite you all to Grace Trust’s 25th Anniversary celebration at All Saints Church in the Parade on Saturday 5th October from 2pm till 3.30pm followed by an afternoon tea! If anyone would like to attend please let Julie in the office know so she can advise on numbers. Tel: 877517 or email

Music on the Bulwarks

Concordia, will be giving a concert as St Aubin’s Church on Monday 22nd July at 7:30pm as part of the Music on the Bulwarks summer programme. Free admission, retiring collection in aid of the Red Cross and Pain Support Jersey.

Harvest Festival

The first service the Rev Keith Sandow will be leading at St Martins will be the Harvest Service on Sunday 15 September. Please note this is the third Sunday of the month, not the usual second Sunday.

Tony’s Leaving Present

I thought you might like to see the painting that SHMC presented to Tony and Cathy Morling it is a beautiful oil painting of a sea view across to France, painted at Fliquet by the Jersey artist Louise Ramsey.

A painting in a frame

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Next Week

 The Gorey Boat Blessing Service is on Sunday 28 July at 11.00am on Gorey Pier



In Memory of Marion Labey

Photos in memory of Marion Labey

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