St Martin's Methodist Church

Weekly Notices Around the Circuit & Beyond


Updated 25/01/2025

The Hall is available for hire for meetings and parties and is very heavily booked.  Book early to save disappointment. Also, please note that the Hall is not available for hire on Sundays because of the Church's own use.

Book with Mrs. Lynne Le Seelleur  tel: 07797 841649 or email:  

Something to think about:

Amid the chaos of our troubled and dysfunctional world and the concern and distress this can engender, perhaps some of the words in this prayer from the Methodist Prayer Handbook, Day 22, can bring some hope and comfort.     'Eternal God, we seek clarity and reassurance in a bewideringly complex world.  Grant the patient trust that will enable us to sense your hand in the emergent, the ambiguous,the random and the fragile.  Give us courage to embrace your vulnerability seen in Jesus Christ.

St Martin’s Methodist Church

26 January 2025

  The 10:30 a.m. Service will be led by Mrs Helen Higginson

Action for Children

Will those with Action for Children collection boxes please bring them to church on Sunday. Sue or Wally will be gathering them, thanks.

Circuit Choir,

Anyone who sang in the Carol Service choir recently or anyone who would like to join, are welcomed to join a Circuit choir for the President’s visit in April, anyone interested please speak to Libby or Julie Noel 877517

Foundation Safeguarding training

Training will be taking place at 10am on Tuesday 4th February at Bethlehem. Helen will be notifying people who need to do or refresh the training but if anyone knows they need to do it, could they please contact Helen to let her know, so they have an idea of numbers as soon as possible.

Church Council Meeting

The next Church Council meeting will be 11 February at 7:30. In the Church Hall. For those preparing reports please send a copy to Jackie so they can be distributed prior to the meeting.

Donations and Jersey Gift Support

As we start a new year Sue Reid is looking to reclaim the tax on your givings for 2024. Some people have already filled in the Jersey Gift Support forms for 2024.  If you haven’t and are a tax payer and would like to give this support to our church at no extra cost to you, please contact Sue. If you would also like to review how or what you donate or have any other queries in respect of one off donations or regular giving, she is happy to assist you. Sue is also accepting Jersey Gift Support forms for 2025 if you are making a yearly donation in advance.

Celebrate 250 years of Methodism in Jersey – Note the dates

Saturday 26th April:

  • ‘Question Time’ with local charities, SoJ Police, President & Vice-president of Methodist Conference
  • Celebration concert at St Helier Methodist Centre

Sunday 27th April:

  • Prayer walk, celebrating and giving thanks for the past and prayers for the future
  • Afternoon celebration service, led by the President and Vice-president of the Methodist Conference, followed by afternoon tea.

  Next Week

The 10:30 a.m. Service will be a Fellowship Service led by our Stewards

For pastoral matters, please contact our minister the Rev Keith Sandow.   Tel 07797903450.

Keith is unavailable on Fridays

If you have something you would like to add to the notices, please contact Jackie at or send to Jacqueline Layer, Roquebrune La Route de la Cote, St Martin,  JE3 6DR Tel: 857994Don’t forget to visit church news  - to see what's happening throughout the island churches click on or for events

In Memory of Marion Labey

Photos in memory of Marion Labey

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